
onsdag 4. november 2009

Obligatory assignment 2 (ENG1100 – Engelsk grammatikk, innføring)

Obligatorisk kvalifiseringsoppgave i ENG1100 – Engelsk grammatikk, innføring høst 2009. En pdf av oppgaveteksten finnes her.

1.      Difference in form and meaning between the members of the following sentence pairs:

              -------S---    V        dO
            1 The deer enjoys carrots.

               -----S---- -----V-------  ----dO-----
            2 The deer are enjoying the carrots.

Syntactically, sentences A1 and A2 are identical, with the syntactic pattern SVdO. The verb ENJOYV is monotransitive, and requires an object to create a grammatically correct sentence. It has a valency of two, meaning that it requires two constituents, specifically a subject and a direct object. The formal difference between the sentences is found in the respective verbals, and in the presence of a determiner in the noun phrase realizing the dO in sentence A2.